OPPI (On Point Planning Intake) Information Session
Please call 512-947-0598 to get date and time of session.
The goal of this session is to provide work related supportive services to reentry individuals. We help people who help themselves and people who want to help others. You will be equipped to become an effective job seeker and an asset to your family and community.
A fresh start!
A new job!
Positive friends and family!
Success is up to you. We are here to help!
At this session, you will receive information on:
How to prepare and present yourself to reentry-friendly employers
Community resources that can help with barriers you are experiencing
Training programs for individuals with a criminal background
Accessing higher education/continuing ed certifications
Understanding the Fair Chance Hiring Ordinance
Once you complete this orientation you may be eligible for
Bus passes for employment
Limited funds for work tools
One-on-One assistance with job readiness POWER skills
Referrals to community resources for basic needs and
Job Leads to reentry-friendly employers
“Yesterday you needed help
Today you are getting help
Tomorrow you Pay It Forward!”
Anonymous 2010